Who We Are
Our Mission
The Virginia Four Wheel Drive Association is a family-oriented, not-for-profit organization promoting safe, responsible and fun four wheeling.
Our Core Values
- Provide a voice for the four-wheel drive community.
- Prevent unfair legislation.
- Promote education, safety, and respect of the land.
- Do our part to keep public lands open for the public to enjoy.
- Work with government agencies to keep our land accessible.
Our History
The Virginia Four Wheel Drive Association Inc., (VA4WDA) was formed in 1981 by a group of concerned four wheel drive owners. Some belonged to local clubs and others just owned a four wheel drive vehicle for recreation purposes. The issue that brought these four-wheelers together was proposed legislation by the Virginia General Assembly that would severely restrict the bumper heights of vehicles in the Commonwealth and make many existing vehicles illegal. We met in the banquet room of the Richmond Golden Corral Steakhouse to address the proposed legislation. From that initial meeting, the need to have an organization to represent the interests of four wheel drive owners inside the state became apparent. Issues like the bumper bill laws, lift kit restrictions, body lifts vs. suspension lifts, inspection procedures, installation of larger than stock tires, tinted windows, and auxiliary lighting all were being addressed by the Department of Motor Vehicles and the State Police. There needed to be a voice for four wheelers in that legislative process. As a result of the hard work and dedication of these initial volunteers working with the legislators in the General Assembly, the compromise legislation that we have today, which is reasonable, flexible, and safe, was developed.
Our Members
Our members have many diverse recreational interests – camping, surf-fishing, overlanding, trail riding, competitive events, mountain biking, hiking, equestrian, and sightseeing to name a few. This broad spectrum of four wheel drive enthusiasts and land lovers benefit from our work with legislators, land managers, national and state agencies, automotive dealers, etc., to help keep public lands open for everyone. We are very proud of our endeavors over the years. Please join us in our efforts!
Board of Directors